Aquatic Exercise Routines for Multiple Sclerosis

Even Sally Knight's Endless Pool exercise routine reflects the independent spirit of a woman who grew up in Maine. Having attended numerous clinics espousing any number of techniques for treating her multiple sclerosis - the chronic neuromuscular disease that attacks parts of the nervous system and is characterized by muscle weakness and tremors - Sally devised her own routine.

Sally is joined by a friend at home for individualized water therapy workouts in her sunroom Endless Pool.

It takes about 45 minutes, and she does it every day. The pool is 5 feet deep, the water temperature is 84 degrees, and the exercises make extensive use of an aqua belt for striding motions like walking and simulated cycling, while webbed gloves promote upper-body muscle tone.

Apart from the therapeutic benefits, Sally appreciates the convenience of not having to venture out to the nearest pool - in her case, seven miles away. And characteristic of many Endless Pools owners, the neighbors have discovered her secret: Two regulars at her place are a woman suffering from arthritis and one recovering from a stroke

"Naturally," says Sally, "they have their own routines.



