Weight Loss through Regular Water Exercise

If you have physical limitations or find other forms of exercise painful, explore the possibility of regular water exercise at home. Imagine your own compact exercise & therapy pool, just steps away, set to the temperature you desire, in the privacy and comfort of your own home...

Swimming and water exercise affect the whole-body while cushioning stiff joints and bones, enabling you to do exercise not possible on dry land. When immersed to the neck you're supporting only 10% of your body weight, allowing you to simultaneously build cardiovascular & muscle strength while increasing confidence and burning fat.

"Having to adapt a busy schedule to a health club’s hours made it really easy to skip exercise, which made it seem like a chore. With the Endless Pool, it went from being something we knew we ought to do, to something we enjoy doing."- Stan C, Endless Pool Owner

As seen on:

  • NBC's "The Biggest Loser"
  • ABC's "Extreme Makeover, Home Edition"
  • Fox's "Renovate My Family"
  • Britain's Channel 4, "The Fit Farm"

"As an aging boomer nutrition professional, I have yearned for consistent water exercise that doesn't stress joints and will enable me to attain physical fitness, cardiovascular health and weight control. I can eat what I want and still firm up and lose weight."
- Endless Pool Customer