Winterizing Tips for Your Endless Pools® Swim Spas

Keep Your Pool Running Through the Winter Months

Endless Pools swim spa owners appreciate how their pools make it possible to extend pool season well beyond the summer months. Whether installed indoors or outside, these insulated, temperature-controlled swim spas can be kept warm in the coldest temperatures for a fraction of what it costs to heat traditional swimming pools. 

When temperatures drop, our swim spas keep you moving!

When darkness comes early and harsh weather makes it hard to get to the gym, an Endless Pool swim spa at home can provide a challenging resistance workout - with no travel required. Sticking to a regular exercise routine helps keep you fit, and may even stave off the winter blues. And there’s nothing quite like taking a dip in the warm water or lounging in the spa while there’s snow on the ground. Families like the Boisverts look forward to warming up in their heated X2000 swim spa after a long day of hockey practice. 

Take care of your swim spa in winter and it will take care of you.

Although your Endless Pools swim spa was designed to be used in any climate all year-round, if you don’t plan on using it during the coldest months, winterizing will help protect components from freezing temperatures, and keep your swim spa operating at peak energy efficiency. 

What do you have to do to winterize your swim spa? That depends on where you live.

Winterizing tips for mild climates

If you live in an area that has fairly mild winters, it’s easy to keep your swim spa running smoothly 365 days a year. Consider dropping the water temperature a few degrees so the heater isn’t running as often. This is also a good time to make sure your swim spa cover is working properly so your spa stays well-insulated. 

Winterizing your spa if you live in a colder climate

If you expect temperatures to drop below 10 degrees Fahrenheit, you’ll need to take some additional precautions to keep your swim spa performing at its best. Not surprisingly, outdoor temperatures this low may cause energy efficiency to drop because the unit will have to work harder to heat the water and maintain your swim spa. 

Leaving town for the holidays or the whole winter? 

If you live in a cold climate and are going to be gone for an extended time during the winter months, a full winterization of the unit is in order. Just like a pool, you will need to lower the water level, and clear the lines to reduce the risk of cracked lines from freezing. Finally, you will need to put in the proper chemicals to keep your water from going bad while your spa is not in use. Remember that your swim spa is designed to be filled, and should never stand empty for long periods of time. 

Wherever you live, and whatever your winter plans, preparing your Endless Pools Swim Spa for winter is not difficult and it will go a long way in helping you maintain your investment. 

For more information on winterizing your Endless Pools Swim Spa, please contact your local dealer.